That makes our Carbide Tungsten Bracelets good for Health as well as Beauty.
Tungsten Carbide Bracelet is Men's top choice
Strongest metal available, 4 times stronger than Titanium
build to last forever, a scratch free bracelet. #1 choice men bracelet.
Magnets can help Arthritic Pain, Improving Blood Circulation,
Relieving Fatigue and Reduction of Swelling in the joints.

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Tungsten Rings and Bracelets:
Tungsten Carbide is a space age alloy with
a distinctively masculine look and feel.
Tungsten has an unmistakable dark gun metal
grey color and an invincible high gloss that sets
it in a class apart from any other precious metal.
Jewelry with a lifetime high polish:
Tungsten rings and bracelets are heavy, and
Tungsten Carbide is the hardest of all metals.
It is polished to a perfect mirror finish using
diamonds, and, unlike other metals, it will retain
the exact polish for decades to come. In fact,
the only way to scratch a tungsten ring or bracelet
is with a diamond. No other material will affect it.
The distinction of wearing an exotic metal:
Because it has the highest melting point of any
metal known, Tungsten is used in space age
applications and leading edge military projects
such as hand held nuclear fission devices. The
hardness and heat resistance of Tungsten
renders it impervious to radiation. Its tough
enduring qualities make it the perfect masculine
metal for a man's ring or a man's bracelet.
The art and science of master craftsmanship:
Tungsten rings and bracelets are manufactured
using sophisticated vacuum induction furnaces
that require an oxygen free environment which
reaches amazing temperatures above 6200
degrees F. In fact, Tungsten is so heat resistant,
that if a solid piece entered the earth’s atmosphere
(as asteroids do), it would not burn. Instead, it would simply glow red and fall to the earth intact.
Buying Advice for Tungsten Jewelry:
Tungsten jewelry should always be alloyed with
Carbide when it is manufactured into rings or
bracelets, as are all of the items on our site.
Pure Tungsten is soft and will scratch, and Tungsten Cobalt will often cause an allergic reaction on the skin which will result in a permanent discoloration of the metal.